~A Study in Strategy

Strategy Practice
Position Technique
Execution Principle
Timing Adaptation
With a goal in mind, and the will to practice, this perception of strategic thinking can be applied to nearly any situation.

Position: It is important to take advantage of the most beneficial or favorable position in any situation.
Execution: Any goal attempted should be performed in a faultlessly precise manner.
Timing: Taking advantage of opportune moments facilitates efficiency when attempting a goal.

Technique: Understanding and executing the application of an approach is crucial to manipulating situations.
Principle: The theory of approaches will give a greater understanding to the motivations behind their development.
Adaptation: Flexibility of skills is the true measure of depth in ability.

~Basic Technique for Foundation

In order to implement even the most basic or simple elements of strategy, the practitioner must have an understanding of the prerequisites for approaching the intended goal. Basic in concept, gaining understanding starts with the environment of the goal, followed by the rules of the system, and concludes with the analysis, development, and implementation of practice methods.

As with the other concepts of this method, the use of understanding can be applied to many aspects outside of what is covered here. It is both simple and complex because of the various applications available to the idea of understanding.

~Practice Becomes Strategy, and Strategy Requires Practice.

In practice, the strategist will find that the simple concepts can be developed into complex methods of addressing goals. As in martial arts, however, the fundamental simplicity is recovered when the concepts have been assimilated into the heart and soul of the practitioner.
"Complexity is the consideration of all possibilities in making an approach, but simplicity is manifested when the methods are employed."

~Path of the True Practitioner

Fundamental understanding is not reliable for real-world application of the universal strategy concepts. Practice and dedication is the most effective means of becoming proficient like any attainment in life. This, however, does not lead to a climax of ability; instead, it is an infinite course affected by evolution of the factors external to the way of strategy. It is because of this that there is no true master of these methods.

Serious practice of a method involves incorporating that way into everyday life. And, with the attitude of forever being a student of this way, the practitioner will always be able to improve his or her abilities. As long as this way of thinking is maintained and applied, in various methods as well rather than strategy alone, the practitioner will always be able to compete, and all endeavors will be achievable.
"An idea is something that can be reconsidered and evolved by simply looking from a different perspective. It's important to remember this when engaged in any endeavor."